Away from obligations. Maybe only 20 minutes. But still away.
Luuslangi is away. Away from the city centre and away from Mustamäe, and even for Õismäe, you will hear more from the news than in your own yard. But no matter how much we like to let loose, sometimes we have obligations, in that case swap your sandals for shoes and drive down the Paldiski highway to the city centre in 20 minutes.
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Doing nothing is worthwile
Dawdling, lounging and procrastinating are not an end in itself. We just want people to get a good rest at home and be as rosy and fresh as the morning. So that the next time we see someone in the city wreathed in smiles, we won’t think, “Oh look, tourists,” but rather, “I wonder if they live in Luuslangi.”
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