News and blog posts
Ed and Rauno’s home in Suur-Patarei house was completed in 2020.
Kodu loomine algab asukohavalikust, mis võib kogu protsessi juures osutuda isegi kõige keerulisemaks otsuseks. Tihti tuleb arvestada nii töökohtade, lasteaedade-koolide kui sportimiseks ja vaba aja veetmiseks oluliste paikadega. Tähtsa valiku tegemisel on oluline silmas pidada enda jaoks olulisi nüansse.
Liven alustas täna võlakirjade avalikku pakkumisega, tegemist on esimese avaliku rohevõlakirjade emissiooniga Eestis. Liven on esitanud taotluse rohevõlakirjade noteerimiseks Nasdaq Tallinn Börsi Balti võlakirjabörsil ning võlakirjade märkimine kestab 16. maini. Livenit ja pakkumist tutvustav seminar toimub 8. mai õhtul Liveni salongis.
Liveni sisearhitekt Anita Karma on loonud Luuslangi näidiskodu, mida saad näha galeriist.
The evening of September 7 was special in the garden of Magdaleena houses, because we held a house warming party there together with the fresh residents of Asula põik 4. A joyful bingo game was waiting for the residents to get to know each other better (and they did). After the speech of Andero, the CEO of Liven, the house flag was ceremonially attached on the house wall, everyone could enjoy an exciting selection of snacks and a pleasant conversation over a cup of coffee.
On the evening of August 29, residents of the first completed houses in Uus-Meremaa, large and small, gathered in the backyard for a house warming party. It was a quiet summer evening full of music, giant soap bubbles and nice get-togethers.
On the evening of August 10, we held a house warming party with the new residents of Iseära settlement, the name and theme of which was "A special barbecue evening". The cheerful community event was opened by a topical humor clip from Mattias Naan and Kaarel Nõmmik, after which each house received a house flag as a gift from Liven.